Enrollment Information









2025-2026 Vejar Elementary Enrollment


Enrollment in District schools is processed at the individual school site.




Click Here to enroll: https://enrollment.wvusd.k12.ca.us/ 



Click Here for 2025-2026 grade placement information: WVUSD Grade Placement




You will need the following documents to enroll your child:

  1. If student is living with parent(s):
    1. Either a close of escrow paper, current monthly mortgage statement, current year's property tax statement, current rental/lease agreement, or current month rental receipt, and
    2. A current utility bill or utility turn-on receipt (gas, water or electric), and
    3. A DMV form (driver's license or California I.D.) with current address, and
    4. A form of student identification (with name, date of birth, photo, etc.)
  2. If student is living with a guardian:
    1. Same residency proof as for parents in #1 above plus proof of legal guardianship.    Note: that legal guardianships can only be obtained through a Court Order.
    2. If student is living with a relative, and legal guardianship has not been obtained, a "Caregiver's Authorization Affidavit" form must be completed. 
  3. If student's family moves into the home of another family:
    1. Declaration of Residency document (Part I and Part II) are required.  The family with proof of residence must meet the requirements of #1 above.  If a family has a child already enrolled in the Walnut Valley Unified School District, a current utility bill is required as proof of continued residence.

If your child is entering Kindergarten, you will also need:


* To qualify for Kinder enrollment, the child must be born between 9/2/2019 - 9/1/2020

  1. Proof of age (birth certificate, passport, or notarized baptismal record)
  2. Proof of current physical examination (Optional)
  3. Proof of an oral health assessment no earlier than 12 months prior to enrollment. Exam is due by May 31,2024 or 1st Grade, whichever is the child's first year of public school.


 *To qualify for TK enrollment, the child must be born between 9/2/2020 - 9/1/2021




For more information, please call the school directly at 909-594-1434 x 38141

Office  Assistant Hours: Monday - Friday    8:00am - 11:30am


Call the Educational Services Dept. at the District Office at 909-595-1261.




  • To determine your home school for registration, please click here for the school boundary map:

School Boundary Map

School Locator Link




Allen Bill Information
A parent or guardian who is physically employed within the WVUSD school boundaries for a minimum of 10 hours per week can enroll their student through the Allen Bill transfer option.  Parents or guardians can enroll their student(s) directly to WVUSD by completing an Allen Bill application, and providing verification of employment within our district boundaries (i.e. pay stub, verification of employment on business letterhead).  Submit the completion application with employment verification to the Pupil Personnel Services in the District Office.




For more information, please call the school directly at 909-594-1434 x 38141

Office Assistant Hours: Monday - Friday     8:00am - 11:30am


For more information, please call the school directly at 909-594-1434 x 38141


call the Educational Services Dept. at the District Office at 909-595-1261.